Saturday, June 13, 2009

Beyond Hyperwobble--Mama's commentary

Russell is too young to describe all the events (which thankfully he's sleeping through) so I'm going to try to do this update myself.

The good news--I'm on my road to recovery. The low fat diet combined with breast feeding (and pumping) has me at ten pounds less than my weight when I got pregnant. (I am *so* bloated in the pictures that were just posted!!!) I'm off pain killers now and just have some muscle pain that is mostly bearable.

Russell had another doctor visit yesterday and he is up to 7 pounds 9 ounces! He continues to eat well and be a very simple baby. He fusses when he needs something and is very pleasant if those needs are met. Of course he does tend to stay asleep if not roused, but we're seeing his eyes a bit more often.

My milk, such as it is, has arrived finally. Russell is a very lethargic nurser--don't get me wrong he likes the portable lactation station very well, but it tends to soothe him back to sleep. It can easily take an hour to get him fed, and I'm not ever sure how much nutrition he's actually consuming. Then he sleeps for maybe an hour and wants more food. We are still working out the best strategy to maximize my production and try to maximize our sleep. At the moment, his night and day are switched, so he's up frequently at night and sleeping well during the day. That needs to get changed for our sakes!

We are still supplementing with formula to make sure that he's getting enough to eat. It appears that he is gaining weight well, so we can't be too far wrong.

The bad and ugly:

On Tuesday evening, Connor took Bill's set of keys my car and left with the Mazda. Neither he nor it have been seen or heard from since. This has sent my stress level through the roof, and I think I passed hyperwobble and am now in numbness.

Coming on top of everything else, my coping mechanisms are failing completely. So if I'm not motivated to do much, please understand that I'm over my limit. Most of you know that I am a chronic worrier, and I literally have too many things to worry about at once. Not much is getting done right now without a lot of effort.

So I'm focusing on Russell, and trying to take care of myself physically.


1 comment:

  1. I was so sorry to hear about everything but, yes, take care of yourself and Baby Boy and the other adults can pick up the pieces.
