Monday, May 25, 2009

May 24 and 25 - False Alarm

Mama is really starting to be convinced that I am going to be one of those kids with a mind of my own, AND that I'm a bit of a jokester as well.

She has been having mild "contractions" starting about 4 pm on Sunday afternoon through about that time on Monday. Then they stopped. She's exhausted so has been doing a lot of sleeping during the day while waiting for things to progress. Lots of tissues and lots of Tums have been in use for the various ailments that I'm continuing to give her while she waits. She says that the one that bothers her the most is the swollen fingers and there is nothing to take for that.

So it appears that we will go back to my scheduled delivery on Wednesday. Daddy did get my car seat installed so they can bring me home--hopefully on Friday!

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