Thursday, November 26, 2009

November 27 - Six Months Old

I've changed a bit since I was born, besides just the obvious of getting much longer and heavier. (Mama's bad back reminds her about the heavier part every day.)

My eyes are turning hazel. Some days they are mostly a dark greyish blue, some times they are green, and sometimes you can see golden tan highlights around the iris. Quite a lot like Uncle Kevin's eyes, actually.

My hair has gotten lighter in color. It was almost black when I was born, and now it's a light brown like Mama's hair, but with more golden highlights and hardly any red highlights. No one is sure if it will continue to get lighter to where I might be blonde for a while.

I have become a very active roller. I can roll multiple times to get from one side of a room to another. I'm not terribly predictable unless there is something in the room where I can hit my head. I'm good at finding those, Daddy considers me a natural, in fact.

My vocabulary builds steadily and I'm currently working on clicking my tongue. I've also mastered the fine art of screaming very loudly, even when I'm not hurt. I got really good at it last week when I was sick. I think I might have scared Oma. Sorry Oma!

I can sit up for long periods of time without support, although I still sometimes balance with my hands. I can't sit up by myself yet, but I can stay sitting when placed in that position.

I love to "stand" while supported. I'm not happy to sit when I think I should be standing. I've moved my feet like I will when I start walking, and sometimes I have feet that are flat on the floor for this. I don't have a lot of patience when I fall and bonk my head, so the adults are pretty careful to watch and catch me if I look like I'm going to fall over--even when sitting--and they always hang on to me when I'm standing.

I still like to "fly" like "Superbaby", but that tires adult arms out pretty quickly. It still works reasonably well to settle me when I'm fussy and they have ruled out the usual causes. I still like my jumper, but only with an audience. Uncle Kevin and cousin Nicole call me the "Rock Star."

I started supplemental "solid" foods about a month ago, and I'm a good eater. So far I like most of what has been presented to me, although I was really not sure about the bananas at first, and I'm still not crazy about carrots. I like my carrots mixed with something to make them sweeter. I take after Daddy in that I love peas!

Mama is still breast feeding me, although she may only do that for about another month. I'll be on formula with pumped milk for a while, and then just on formula with my "real" food.

I really want to figure out this crawling thing. So far I can get into the hands and knees position with my head up, and sometimes I move a back leg, but I still haven't figured out these hands. Sometimes I have done the five-point scoot, where I put my head down for balance. (This gives me interesting wear patterns on my hair.) But I don't reliably move either direction at a true four-point crawl.

Mama is sure this will change, and not at all sure that she's ready for that day.

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