Thursday, May 20, 2010

The long road

(Sorry there aren't pictures--the parents forgot the camera)

Today the parents and I went road tripping. Our first stop was Colorado State University. I did OK in the big stroller for a while as long as Mama kept moving. I got to ride in a couple of elevators and visited a couple of the buildings on campus.

We met with Dr. Jones, and I flirted with her quite a bit. I was able to walk up and down the hallway, and was particularly fascinated with the stops that prevent the open classroom doors from banging into the walls. I also got to make the water fountain work (with Mama's help) and then play in the water (with Daddy's help and cooperation in lifting me up high enough to get my hands wet.)

We then got back on the road and went to the University of Northern Colorado. I was an unhappy kid when we arrived, so Mama spent some time letting me wander around on the grass while Daddy went to his appointment. I discovered dandelions. (Oops--Mama doesn't know how to spell dandelions without help!) I discovered that they are fun to pull the seed pods off and scatter them in the wind. I tested several of them just to be sure that it was fun. It was.

We then took a short trip over to a park in Greeley. I was asleep in Mama's arms for a while, and then did some more walking on the grass. We tried out some of the playground equipment, including some steps, a big plastic tube to crawl through, a steering wheel and a couple of slides. Mama wouldn't let me go down the big twisty one by myself, but she and I went down together. I took turns swinging with both parents because there were no infant swings.

There was a pond at the park, and I got to see a white pelican. At least the parents think it was a pelican. Daddy thought a couple of the other birds might have been egrets. They didn't come too close to us.

At one point Mama was smelling the lilacs and tried to get me to smell the lilacs. I just tried to eat the flowers. Soon after that we loaded back up and I napped all the way back to Denver.

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