I have a habit of rushing towards the camera any time it is pointed at me. I also have a habit of doing things that Mama finds adorable when the camera is not available. Here are a few examples:
I didn't want to wear my socks and shoes, and decided that they looked much better on my teddy bear. Daddy helped me with this project.
Mama and I put my foam blocks in a big "bucket" (think muck bucket, only cleaner) and I DOVE into them. I also knocked the bucket over and sat joyfully in the remaining toys.
I crawled in to a box--head first and then feet--and then couldn't figure out how to get out. It was very traumatic, actually. Daddy helped me out, and then I did the same thing again.
I was trying to shut the bedroom door and kept pinching my fingers. Mama hooked her fingers under the door and pulled it shut. One time was all it took. So I would close the door, stand up and "knock" on it, and Mama would open it for me.
I held Mama's hand and we had our first successful walk across a parking lot without her needing to carry me. I think she was pretty happy about that. She keeps telling me that I'm getting too big for her to carry.
My vocabulary has increased dramatically. I'm not always sure that my parents understand what I'm trying to tell them, but I have quite a lot to say these days. Now I just have to get them to listen to me!