Thursday, July 23, 2009

Pictures--Russell au natural

It was a nice hot day when Mama and Daddy decided to take me over to Antema's house for a little outdoor time. Mama calls it "shade bathing" since I'm not ready to be out in the sun yet.

We were hanging out in the yard and Bruno the dog came over to help.

I actually scooted closer to Bruno's butt after this picture was taken. Then Mama moved me back on the towel.

She got a shot of me closing in, though.

Antema calls this a good "Prom Picture" and I guess I'll figure out what she meant in fifteen or sixteen years. Seems like a long time to me.

Practicing my kicking skills. That thing on my ankle is a rattle.

I must have been dreaming about a touchdown, because both hands were raised. I moved just as Daddy took this picture.

Always leave with a smile!

July 21 - I can do it

Last night I slept through the night for the first time! I haven't done it for the next two nights, but I did it once so I can do it again...or so Mama hopes.

Happy Russell!!!!!!!!

This is a guest video taken by Antema on July 23, 2009.

Friday, July 10, 2009

July 10 - Pirates

Daddy has been suffering for about a week from a condition called iritis, a form of uveitis. This is where the iris of the eye becomes swollen and inflamed and is very painful. At one point it was so bad that Daddy couldn't open his eyes in a very dark room, because light in either eye caused shooting pains in the left eye.

He is finally on the mend, but part of the treatment involves a drug that dilates his pupil. Mama got him an eye patch to protect the eye during treatment.

Aunt Sherry had sent some outfits, and this one says "Arrgh...Wipe me Booty!" So Mama made sure we got a picture.

July 10 - More pictures

When I sleep, I often do so deeply and in positions that my parents find charming.

Here I am sleeping on Daddy.

This is an outfit that I outgrew pretty rapidly, but Mama liked it because it has a horse theme.

Closeup of the horse

Mama is amused by footies with designs so she wanted to feature the horses on the bottom of this outfit.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

July 2 - Pictures!

Mama's friend Jennifer came over to meet me today, and had her really nice camera with her. She took some pictures of me to share. (Mama needs to get the rest of them at sometime.)

Practicing my arm lifting skills

Almost naked for my photo shoot. It was really hot in the apartment that morning.

Check me out!

Playing with my tongue

Here is Mama showing me off.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

June 30 - Nine pounds 11 ounces!

I had my one month doctor visit today, and I have gained three pounds from my birth weight! I've also grown two inches since then!