Friday, December 25, 2009

Happy Christmas one and all

I hope all of you had a happy Christmas. Mine was not too busy, but I managed to get quite a few things done. I have pictures from earlier in the week to post, but Mama says it's late and she'd like some sleep tonight. Without further ado, the pictures:

Good morning, I will be your tour guide for my activities today.

Daddy and I got our picture taken.

I tried my hand at opening a present. I did try to eat the paper. This was a ladybug shaped noise maker. Mama forgot to get a picture of it.

We visited big brother Connor. Check out the hat hair on all of us. (Well, Daddy just had a hair cut so his looks ok, but mine was pretty wild!)

Connor and I had a picture together. Well, several, but this is the only one where we looked in the same direction that was at the camera.

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