Saturday, June 13, 2009

June 12 - Professional Portraits from JC Penney

Great-Grandma from Montana came down to visit and we got pictures taken at JC Penney portrait studios. I still kept up my sleeping throughout the session until after the pictures were taken. Then I woke up.

Daddy said that he liked this one if Mama did--and she does.

I look pretty peaceful in this one

They had a bit of a struggle to keep my hands out of my face...

I have doggies on my feet, but you can't see them terribly well.

I did some more sleeping for my pictures.

Mama, Daddy and ME.

Four generations on Daddy's side of the family--William O'Keefe, Ruth Bissett, (Antema) Barbara Treasure and ME.

Grandpa Don, Daddy and I.

This is our other family portrait and Mama thinks that I should be closer to my parent's faces.

(All pictures copyrighted to JC Penney portrait studio and low quality images only are available for electronic sharing.)

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