Monday, February 20, 2012

Daddy is a playtoy

I love to play with Daddy. I also love to be an "upside down boy" and here I got to do both!

Mama also has a couple of short videos of Daddy and I, and Abble, playing together that were taken a while ago. She said to remind everyone that she's always behind. So here they are:

Somehow, Daddy and I discovered that it hurt less if I piled pillows up before jumping on him. So this is now the preferred method for doing a "Hop on Pop"

I also let Abble through the ball to Daddy. Daddy catches very well and very patiently for us.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

The good life!

Hanging out in the clothes basket, eating strawberries and yogurt. YUM!

The additional pictures for this post won't load. Mama is not happy but giving up for the night.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Guess Who!

Daddy got me a new dresser that is a bit taller than what I had. I have a humidifier in my room and it needed a tall but stable surface. Unfortunately the dresser needed some TLC, and while Daddy worked on it I decided to check it out!