Earlier this week I turned two months old. I'm growing like crazy and Daddy measured me at 24" long and 13 pounds. I'll have the official measurement later this week when I go see Nurse Lona again. Since I'm better than Mama about water on my head, she's hoping that I will be better about shots. I'm due for my first set.
I have slept through the night a couple of times now, but in between I'm still awake every two hours looking for food. Mama's feeling a little tired. She's also rubbing her back a lot like it is sore from carrying me since I'm getting so big.
The day after my "birthday" I went to see Grandma Betty (Grammy) and Mama took pictures. She finally got them uploaded for everyone to see.
I'm slowly growing into my classic Pooh outfit, and I think it matches my eyes nicely. They are still dark blue.

Here's a blurry but cute picture of me smiling.

I am losing my hair. I've been told that I will most likely go bald because of my genetic heritage, but I didn't think it should start this soon. People keep teasing my parents about the possibilities of my hair growing in red. At that point, Mama would call me Rusty. But she thinks my hair will probably stay brown.

Sometimes a boy needs to stay in motion to make it hard for Mama to take pictures!

Grammy and I were having quite a conversation at some points

This is my pensive face

I've practiced with lots of different expressions today.

Here is Mama's favorite picture of Grammy and me.